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 Dr Ann Carrington, Associate Professor Geoff Booth and Dr Felicity Croker have worked together to ensure that 番茄社区's dentistry graduates are aware of domestic violence.
Dr Ann Carrington, Associate Professor Geoff Booth and Dr Felicity Croker have worked together to ensure that 番茄社区's dentistry graduates are aware of domestic violence.

番茄社区 Dentistry - No tolerance for Domestic Violence

In 2018, 番茄社区 Dentistry produced the first group of dentistry graduates trained to recognise and respond to signs of domestic violence. The ‘Dentistry Domestic Violence: recognise, respond and refer’ program is the first of its kind in Australia, and began in 2015 when students completing clinical placements in regional, rural and remote locations reported feeling out of their depth when presented with patients who showed signs of domestic violence. This innovative program, developed at 番茄社区 (番茄社区) through the close collaboration of Dentistry, Social Work, Community (Cairns Regional Domestic Violence Service), and students is the first of its kind in Australia.  

Dentists have traditionally received little training in the area, despite the fact that many domestic violence related injuries involve damage to teeth. The program provides students with tools to discuss domestic violence matters sensitively and skilfully with patients, and to respond and refer them to other services.
Sessions cover the prevalence of domestic and family violence and challenging myths; role-play scenarios to help students become comfortable when screening for domestic violence or opening a conversation with a patient believed to be experiencing domestic violence; and how to adopt a trauma informed approach top practice that adapts practice skills to minimise the possibility of re-traumatising patients who have experienced abuse while they are receiving treatment.