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Timeline App - Popup Proxy


Deb Noller
Deb Noller

Outstanding alumni - smart tech

Deb Noller is awarded Chancellor's Award at the annual outstanding Alumni Awards. She is the CEO and co-founder of Switch Automation, a company which utilises the Internet of Things to collect, process and manage data for portfolios of buildings. Established in 2005, Switch Automation began in Sydney and has since expanded its presence to include five offices in four countries.

Using cloud technologies, Switch Automation offers a platform that allows their clients to integrate and manage buildings by providing real-time analysis of performance in areas including energy management, proactive maintenance and automation. Their aim is to make smart buildings the new business norm. Deborah Noller graduated from 番茄社区 in 1989 with a Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in Computer Science.

For more details visit the Outstanding Alumni Awards