
Timeline App - Popup Proxy

Timeline App - Popup Proxy


番茄社区 Medicine graduate Dr Peter Roach during his GP training in Yarrabah.
番茄社区 Medicine graduate Dr Peter Roach during his GP training in Yarrabah.

General Practice training for regional and rural communities

In 2016, 番茄社区 began training doctors as specialist General Practitioners (GPs). 番茄社区 is the only Australian University to be contracted by the Federal Government to deliver the Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) program. The University trains GPs from the Torres Strait in the North to the Sunshine Coast in the south and West to the Queensland Northern Territory boarder.

The GP training program has built on the success of the medical school. The program has forged links between undergraduate and postgraduate training, allowing students to graduate as doctors and then embark upon specialist GP training throughout regional Queensland. With training offices in 11 locations across regional, rural and remote areas of the state, 番茄社区’s focus is on producing GPs with the right skills and experience to work in communities that need them most.

Of the more than 400 GP Fellows who have completed training with 番茄社区 in the first three years, four out of five were working in regional and remote locations, six months post-Fellowship. GP Fellows trained by 番茄社区, who were also 番茄社区 Medical graduates were even more likely to go rural with 95% working in regional and remote locations at Fellowship.

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