
Timeline App - Popup Proxy

Timeline App - Popup Proxy

5 star rating

番茄社区 graduate job success

番茄社区 is awarded a five-star rating for graduate employment for the tenth year in row.

The latest edition of The Good Universities Guide, Australia’s authoritative tertiary education guide, has awarded 番茄社区 5 out of 5 stars for graduate employment, ranking it the number one university in Queensland in this category.

番茄社区 is the only Queensland university, and one of only three Australian universities, to receive a five-star rating for graduate employment for the past 10 years in a row.

The Guide also awarded 番茄社区 5 stars for:

  • Learner engagement (the proportion of undergraduates who gave a positive assessment of their engagement with learning at their university),
  • Social equity (the proportion of domestic students who come from low socioeconomic or disadvantaged backgrounds),
  • Skills development (the proportion of undergraduates who rated their skills developed through university positively),
  • Student support (proportion of undergraduates who rated student support at their university positively), and
  • Postgraduate starting salary (the median starting salary for graduates employed full-time four months after completing their degrees).