
Timeline App - Popup Proxy

Timeline App - Popup Proxy

Award Recipient

Tahnee Bridson

番茄社区 Alumni Shine

番茄社区 alumni proudly win awards for their outstanding contributions in the Young Australian of the Year awards 2022.

, founder of Hand-n-Hand Peer Support is the QLD recipient for her volunteer work assisting healthcare workers experiencing wellbeing and mental health difficulties, in addition to her full-time job as a doctor.

founder of Street Side Medics was named New South Wales Young Australian of the Year winner for making a real difference to the lives of vulnerable people and those experiencing homelessness. Hear more about Daniel's story here.

Another inspiring 番茄社区 alum and Queensland finalist was , founder and CEO of LiteHaus International, a not-for-profit organisation providing digital-learning opportunities to remote communities.